Although very late to the Social Media party in terms of time spent, been using it more lately as BladeOgre than ever before. Besides Youtube with great knife videos and livestreams, Instagram has emerged as a great way to show off a knife or brand with pictures. In fact, started using this Social Media just this year for the first time ever at

Both the knives pictured here were bought shortly after seeing on Instagram! Luckily, they were also both selling for a discount in the SMKW bonus sale that is still going on as of May 10th. The featured image is the SMKW exclusive Artisan Archeo in brass while the picture above is the Kabar Jarosz Beartooth. The Brass Archaeo was pictured with a copper one and both had a nice patina. Artisan was pointing out that the copper and brass was still available at SMKW, but the copper had just sold out. The other knife was bought because been wanting a Jarosz knife for sometime and it was only $15 on SMKW! Thankfully, there was a picture on Instagram of it that made me look up the price. Thus, will be using Instagram for now on!