PNG, BeUp, Sharpening and Emerson

The Purple and White knives on top are for the PNG Indian Football Team who just won the State Championship (Texas) for the first time in 48 years! The #BeUp Texel is for Jason Brown (see below) on BeUp day! The Skallywag Tactical Privateer and the Smith and Son’s Ox are from my finally learning to sharpen some on the Workshop Field Sharpener. My arms are much less hairy now! Lastly are my favorite Emerson Knives: Emerson SheepDog Bowie, Protech Emerson CQC7, and the ZT640.

There was only one Jason Brown! He was the first to talk to me in lives when I first joined the knife community over 4 years ago. Would always hear him talking about the Bestech Texel so I bought one and, to me, it will always be known as the #BEUP Texel ! I think about him whenever I use it and it always makes me feel positive!

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